Updated 8/26/2024
Dear friends,
Wayne Lambright, the future President of the United States, I promises to deliver the utopia you have dreamed of, vote Lambright and you can enjoy this future while you’re awake. Below, you will read some unconventional ideas that can lead us to the collective utopia we seek. Only through radical political change can we achieve radical results. I proudly present to you a vision of a bright future!
Wayne Lambright
Dreamer in chief
Governmental changes
Abolish the federal reserve
Nationalize our oil and offer $1 a gallon no federal tax & precious metals resources
Outlaw fracking, it poisons the water table with Carcinogenic solvents.
Decriminalization of every drug, it’s purpose is to put the black market out of business, sorry CIA
Creation of new intelligence agency called [American Intelligence Agency], AIA.
Abolish the Central Intelligence Agency
FBI Increase by 400% to go against white-collar crime such as insider trading at the stock market. It’s my belief the stock market is heavily rigged.
National divorce from Israel.
No dual passport holders working for the government or military, including Israel.
Abolish federal income tax. We actually just print the money anyways. Isn’t that just inflation, what’s the difference, taxes are reverse inflation. Doing your taxes is a time-consuming mental burden that stifles innovation and productivity.
Abolish World economic forum & World health organisation and arrest it’s staff for crimes against humanity.
Arrest executive of the pharmaceutical companies that profited from COVID, which was premeditated murder.
Americans should be allowed to fully own their own property. Once Paid off, it cannot be taken from you. It should be yours fully, and you no longer owe/pay property taxes. You are already taxed MANY other ways, and they can just print money anyway.
Create Department of Artificial Intelligence to assist in making our government the most efficient possible, analysing proposals and making suggests to all areas of the Government. With a directive to cut costs by 50%.
Labor laws
Federal Minimum wage $30
Warranty labor hours on cars. Dealers force employees to do work are are not compensated for the time it takes.
EPFTA (Equal pay for teachers act) the US federal government will subsidize teachers pay to equal police and fire.
Money & Homes for the people of the USA.
With nearly 4 million homeless, we’ll build 4 million 3-D printed concrete government homes for homeless people and the needy. Will outlaw homelessness by forcing people to live in homes. If you need to be a nomad you’ll have to give up your citizenship and leave America and wander the Earth.

Universal basic income, you get money even if you have a job.
$1500 per person $500 more per veteran and $2000 more if you’re a senior citizen.
Marriage Money. If you get married we will send you $12,000 as a marriage present and if you make it 20 years “retro active for current married people”, we’ll give you $100,000 so you can have something to retire with and go on some trips.
Strong families investment. $5000 per child per year until age 18. Not a tax credit, cash.
Forgiveness of all student loans
Free Ivy League education via the computer.
Fat Ass reduction ACT!
I’ll pay you $5000 to lose weight and leave your obesity in the past. A healthy America cost less money. Obesity cost Hundreds of thousands in medical costs over time. Technically your fat ass is expensive!
Abolish ATF
Citizen army like Switzerland, it works, and criminals think twice. One requirement is to keep your machine gun at home, I think many people would be willing to do this to protect our nation.
African rehoming-repatriation, $1 million to move back to Africa.
Reparations and or Repatriation!
Reparations for African-Americans $400,000 one time cash.
Like Indian Reservation, I’ll create African American reservations for Blacks to live with there own people. They never asked to be here. Stolen from Africa. I’ll create American African Reservations so Blacks can live in peace.
Reparations for American-Indians $800,000 one time cash.
Reparations for Irish-Americans $300,000 one time cash.
Reparations for Asian-Americans $300,000 one time cash.
Reparations for Mexican-Americans $300,000 one time cash.
Reparations for American Jews who suffer antisemitism $200,000 one time cash.
Jewish rehoming-repatriation, $1 million to move to Israel.
Sex crimes
$1 million reward for leads on pedophiles and sex traffickers if convicted.
Death penalty for pedophiles, public executions, hanging or burning at the stake.
Create new (Department of child justice) funding for 10,000 agents to put in an end to child sex trafficking. (((You diddle, you die)))
$1 million reward for information leading to corrupt government officials.
Civil Rights issues
Public defenders for civil litigation, so poor people can sue.
Legalize Prostitution, because it empowers women, look at Onlyfans.
######################################################Human rights
Outlaw Male Circumcision or legalize female Circumcision. You can’t have it one way. It’s genital mutilation.
National resource management
Great lakes to Southwest freshwater project, we will deliver fresh water to the southwest from the great Lakes to increase agriculture and affordable housing.
Nationalize our oil & precious metals resources.
Build 100 safe thorium reactors for affordable electrical energy.
1000 mile an hour high-speed train from New York City to San Francisco inside and Elon musk tunnel Tunnel
I will build a 1400 mile wall between the United States and Mexico with two rows of chain-link fence topped with barbwire.
Government to authorize antigravity technology for commercial use.
Government to authorize Stargate technology for interstellar travel.
Government to build interstellar space fleet commanded by US Navy.
Government to build prison planet on planet planet outside our solar system for people who can’t follow the laws on earth. Will just Stargate your ass to another planet.
Government to start galaxies first gay planet, any gay that wants to be teleported to a new planet it will be given resources and free trip.
Lifestyle upgrades for everybody
20,000 dirt bikes distributed at federal parks 400 per state.
20,000 watercraft distributed at federal parks 400 per state.
20,000 Snow machines distributed at federal parks 400 per state.
40,000 ATVs distributed at federal parks 800 per state.
100,000 ebikes for cities and rural areas, 2000 per state.
100,000 electric skate wheel for cities and rural areas, 2000 per state.
5000 fitness centers similar to current gymnasiums and more luxurious, swimming pool, weight room, sauna, luxurious like the Romans had. A fit society is a productive society. Open 24 hours
Infrastructure upgrades highways and bridges won’t be necessary because we will have antigravity cars and we will be flying everywhere.
Make peace treaty with aliens who want to eat us.
If not remove them at Dolce New Mexico, yes a war with the Aliens
Balkanization of America
Promote territorial unification “Bulkanise” by establishing regional federal governments, namely the West Coast, North Rockies, South Rockies, Midwest, The South, and Northeast territories. This visionary approach aims to foster cooperation, empower regions, and streamline governance by reducing the size of the central federal government.
Here’s a revised version with clearer points:
- Territorial Unification: Drive unity and collaboration among neighboring states by organizing them into coherent and geographically connected regions, such as the West Coast, North Rockies, South Rockies, Midwest, The South, and Northeast.
- Regional Federal Governments: Institute independent regional governments within each identified territory, endowed with substantial decision-making authority over local affairs while adhering to federal principles.
- Empowerment and Local Governance: Delegate more powers to regional governments, empowering them to proactively address region-specific challenges and priorities with tailored solutions.
- Devolution of Authority: Gradually transfer responsibilities from the central federal government to regional authorities, enabling more efficient governance and localized policy implementation.
- Efficient Resource Management: Empower regions to manage their resources effectively, ensuring responsible allocation and utilization aligned with the unique needs and aspirations of each area.
- Strengthened Federal Coordination: As the federal government shrinks, emphasize the importance of collaborative efforts and coordination among regional entities to address national issues collectively.
- Constitutional Compliance: Ensure that the establishment of regional federal governments adheres to the national constitution, upholding democratic principles and equitable representation.
- Citizen Participation: Foster active citizen participation in decision-making processes at regional and federal levels, promoting democratic engagement and transparency in governance.
- Transparent Governance: Champion transparency and accountability at all government levels, instilling public trust and upholding ethical standards in governance.